Purple Crayon

Holding Double-Standards: “That’s Ok For Other People But Not For Me”

Episode Summary

Why do we hold ourselves to a more critical standard than we hold other people?

Episode Notes

We often struggle to take our own advice or be loving to ourselves the way we would a friend. When it comes to work, you’d likely tell a friend to pursue what they really want or you deep down don’t believe success = someone’s worth. BUT…you can’t live from that, still captivated by those fears/beliefs…Why? Today I explore this and ways we can begin to shift toward living from what we know to be really true. 

As mentioned in this episode, listen to me talk about Food, Stress and Control on The Hormone Lifestyle Zone Podcast



Resonate with what I’m talking about? 

Learn more about Career Change Clarity Coaching at syoungwang.com

Follow me on insta: @sarayoungwang

E-mail me: sara@syoungwang.com

My nondual spiritual teachers: 

Kirantrace.com  https://kirantrace.com/ 

Megroekle.com  https://meghanroekle.com/